miniSTORE 3
The miniSTORE 3 is a DMX playback recorder that can record and playback DMX streams like a tape recorder. All lighting changes, fades and effects for up to 512 channels on a single DMX line are recorded using 4GB flash memory in real time and can be played back exactly as originally performed. The recording time can vary from hours to days. It is ideal for automating stand-alone shows, such as retail and exhibition displays, including moving light effects, and includes options to start or loop the playback at power-on or with a contact closure. Features include: Real-time recording of a DMX-512 data signal to capture and replay an automated show Show recording on a solid-state 4GB SD memory card with a capacity of between 18 hours and several days Provides a stand-alone control system to substitute a regular DMX desk Recording can be disabled to secure the saved show Includes remote activation features for start and loop USB connection for file exchange and backup, compatible with PC and Mac